Shaka Williams
Why do I draw animals? There are plenty of good reasons! It’s making a connection to pure joy. Or it’s a chance for me to escape to a safe space when I feel turbulence or embarrassment from being part of the only species that disconnected itself from Nature and cause extinction. When I’m around the animals in person or art, I find a primal healing essence.
Maybe I draw animals because it helps me to feel present and be here and now like they do. I long for a primal kind of perfectly blue and green world; where all types of flora and fauna from the past, present and beyond coexist together. I long for what if we humans had never selfishly severed our connection with the Natural World.
I wish that we humans would not vilify apex predator animals: but appreciate revere and cherish them instead. I dream that we would see other animals as fellow Earthlings. I often hope if we can blot out the humanmade boundaries between humans and the animal kingdom, can result in returning to Oneness again.
Most likely artistic visions of Nature give me hope of that dream being real: someday.
Shaka Williams