Disclaimer SIDE FX, 2019
Mixed Media
36 in x 25 in
I’d been prescribed psychotropic meds since first being diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder Manic-Depression in 1990. I was on Lithium for decades, and the doctors took me off of it because the Lithium had given me Hypoactive Thyroidism. Which I then had to take Synthroid for years to combat that. I was on Vioxx for years, taken off the market for causing strokes and heart attacks. Depakote made me gain 100 pounds, even though my psychiatrist promised me that it was the upgraded Depakote which did not cause weight gain.
I only referenced 16 psychotropic meds and just listed 3 each of the worst of the side effects for each of those meds. Of course, each med has a panoply of side effects.
It’s a ridiculous cycle of dispensing medications; of course, I ate them all and suffered the dismal unintended consequences. “I’ll give you wish-I’ll give you candy” and pay the price of sugar-coated dreams.
-Bruce Dillon